May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

These photos are from my favorite plant, the Matilija Poppy. It grows like a weed, and hardly needs any water, just a lot of sun. Perfect for southern California.

I would never have been able to grow this beautiful plant and all the plants in our gorgeous front yard, without the help, advice, and inspiration of my mom, who is a gardening goddess. Before I dove into the project of landscaping our front yard with native and drought-tolerant choices, I was known to kill plants. Well, not exactly kill them, since it wasn't intentional. More like neglect them, and let them die. But now it's been worth all the work and added a bright spot to our lives, especially every time I come home to our cute little house.

Thanks, mom. And Happy Mother's Day. I love you very much.

And Happy Mother's Day to all the moms who read my blog.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Alea Milham said...

What a lovely tribute to your mother!

Betsy Talbot said...

You probably think of your mom a lot when you look at your garden. Isn't that terrific? I love "living" reminders like that. My mom is also a gardening guru, and I can't pass a beautiful yard or garden without thinking of her.