October 31, 2009

Just for fun

Happy Halloween! Last minute costume ideas for you or your kids, some favorites from my memory bank: Charlie Chaplin, a picnic table, the Captain & Tennille, grapes (green or purple tights and leotard and balloons), a robot, a tourist (Hawaiian shirt, shades, camera- funny for a toddler), Hugh Hefner, luxury spa guest (white plush terrycloth robe and shades), Tippi Hedren in The Birds (conservative suit pinned with birds)... that's all I can remember right now...

Hmmm... I wonder what a "Non-Consumer" costume would look like... I mean dressing up as a "Non-Consumer." A non-consumer costume could be anything you put together with items you already own... I'd love to hear what you come up with.

Are you dressing up this year? Do you have kids you take trick-or-treating? I love to dress up for Halloween, but we didn't know anyone who was having a party this year. Maybe we'll have to throw one ourselves next year.

Have fun!


Cate said...

I love Halloween, but like you, don't know anyone throwing a party! Our daughter's too little to trick-or-treat this year, so maybe next year. We also have the misfortune of living in a neighborhood that, while great in other ways, has almost no trick-or-treaters...so we can't even really pass out candy. It's a bummer.

Angela said...

We get no trick-or-treaters either! They all go to one street, so I have to go to a friend's to pass out candy if I want to see their cute costumes.

Anonymous said...

I don't dress up, but am the one at home handing out candy and asking the kids who they are. Its lots of fun.

Kate Sommers said...

Don't forget Raggedy Ann and Andy!

Angela said...

Anonymous- I love giving out candy and seeing the kids' costumes- I wish we had trick or treat-ers!

Kate- Ha! That was a classic!

WilliamB said...

My costume is the result of l/a/z/i/ ... nonconsumerism. I'm wearing a jersey from a sports team that is doing very badly, and a paper bag over my head. I already had the jersey and the bag is reused from taking leftovers home last night.

Angela said...

WilliamB- Ha! I love it! Hope you like the smell of what you ate for dinner last night...

Anonymous said...

Since I'm currently unemployed, I thought about carrying a cardboard sign, "Will Work for Food"! lol
But, alas, I am very sick & didn't go out....
Cracked my window & enjoyed listening to all the trick-or-treaters :)

Anonymous said...

I had some old red paint in the basement that we smeared on an old white apron. Then I took some paper we had from a big roll we use for crafts and made a butcher hat. My daughter and I drew steaks on one side and "Choice Cuts" on the other. My son had a bloody knife he loaned us. My daughter had a great time being a gross bloody butcher for Halloween, and I enjoyed paying nothing for the costume.

Angela said...

Meg- Good to hear from you. I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous- It's funny how kids love the gross out stuff. Very creative idea, especially that you could make a hat out of paper!

CB said...

Mountain Man throws a party every year so I'm set! I didn't want to waste too much money on my costume so I tried to be inspired by what I already had. I have these fabulous moccasin boots so I decided to be a Native American. I used a brown dress I already had a bought a couple of dollars worth of fringe and trim - basting stitch the fringe to the dress, use the other trims for arm/head bands, braid hair, done! In total I spent about $6.

Tanya said...

For one of my kiddos I took a pair of my father's jeans and sewed a stuffed animal dog on the behind. I added electrical tape to 'x' out the eyes. My son wore padding and a sign advertising 'lost dog, if found please call..' Costume was a hit and pretty much free:)

steph said...

I made a non-consumer costume!
Princess Leia.
I have the hair, so tied it up in buns.
Had a white top that looked the part, then wrapped a big white sheet in a drapey way around my body, belted with a white belt and tucked a little stuffed ewok toy I had in the belt.
Added a gun I cut out of paper and voila!

not a dime spent.
It was a last minute idea that came together in about 15 minutes.

YearofBooks said...

My 12-year old daughter made her costume completely out of duck tape. When I heard her explain to a friend how she made it, she ended with "I either make my own costume, or pay for it myself." I smiled hearing the family "party line" coming out of her mouth!