February 27, 2010

The winner of the giveaway is...

...saymoi, who says she loves the fire roasted tomatoes and offers this growing tip:

"I just started my seedlings. I sprout my tomato seeds in one of those left over chicken plastic containers, peat pods to for the soil, and put them on top of my dvr for heat to sprout. I buy my seeds at Seeds of Change and this year I bought Zapotec, Thelossinki and Arkansas Traveler. The Zapotec and Arkansas sprouted within a week."

Congratulations saymoi! Please email me at barton(dot)angela(at)gmail(dot)com with your shipping address so you can receive the kit ASAP.

Thank you all so much for entering and for your comments, recipes, and tips. I was surprised how many of you knew and loved Muir Glen tomatoes. I am definitely a convert and will be using them in all recipes that call for canned tomatoes.

A few of you voiced concerns about BPA in the cans, and I have to confess I don't know very much about that. From the little bit of online research I did, it seems that BPA is something that is in ALL canned goods, and so if it is indeed harmful to humans, then it would be best for our health to use canned goods as little as possible. When I have time, I'll try to do more research to see if it is worth trying to persuade Muir Glen to give up the practice, or if that's even possible. I think they're required by government regulations to use it, but maybe they could use another type of container.

Next week I'll do a post that includes all of your great tomato recipes and tips, along with the recipe for fire roasted tomato soup from the recipe book in the kit. And remember, you can order your kit at Muir Glen Reserve. I think it would make a great gift.


Anonymous said...

I actually just wrote about BPA and phthalates. In my opinion, the problem with both chemicals (BPA is for harder plastics and canned goods and phthalates make plastics soft) is the quantity consumed. If everything you have contains either one, and they probably do, then you are getting pretty large doses. It's especially bad for babies and specifically male babies. It contains estrogen mimicking chemicals that can cause reproductive problems in males (that's why reproduction problems have increased over the years).

I am not an expert on them, but this is just some of the info I've gathered over time from my own research and from courses I've taken. Europe has already banned it from many things, hopefully the USA is next. Special attention has been focused on baby formula, since the chemicals leach out into the baby food. I made sure my baby soaps, lotions, cups, spoons, everything is free of those chemicals. I'm not as concerned about myself, I focus more on my baby. A small amount of chemicals for me is a massive amount for her.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to add that I don't believe eating canned food every now and then will kill anyone. I wouldn't obsess over it TOO much, just do the best you can. :) By the way, I just started reading your blog and I've really learned a lot! Great job!!

Anonymous said...

Hi - great website! Here's an informative article in the Washington Post about the BPA issue. Muir Glen/General Mills is looking at this seriously and appears to be preparing to make a move away from BPA cans.


Angela said...

Thank you both so much for the information. I will read it and do a post about the subject. It would be great if they moved away from BPA since I love their products.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't stress over the baby bottles. I had a similar experience with my daughters baby food. When it was time to introduce solids, I was happy because I thought I was feeding her organic, BPA free baby food. It turns out the jars of baby food had BPA in the lids. I was heartbroken. But I did the best I could and just moved on, even though it's upsetting and frustrating. BPA is just everywhere and it's almost impossible to completely avoid it. You just have to do the best you can. PLUS, even if your child breastfeeds, if you eat or use stuff with BPA then I'm pretty sure the BPA goes to the breastmilk as well. So, your baby probably would have gotten BPA from the milk regardless of the bottles.